The Lavender Field of Hidden Meadows


Hidden Meadows Farm and Vineyard Bed & Breakfast is home to over 500 beautiful lavender plants that delight the senses. Guests often ask with curiosity, "What do you do with all that lavender?" Well, the answer is quite simple: we use it in just about everything! The bees adore the fragrant blooms, Ric brews beer with it, and I create a variety of lavender-infused items for our guests.

We grow two distinct types of lavender: one is perfect for culinary uses, while the other is ideal for aromatherapy.

For breakfast, we serve our guests an array of unique and delicious dishes that highlight our lavender harvest. I have crafted a delightful lavender almond granola, and Ric has a talent for making a chilled fruit soup infused with our fragrant lavender and berries.

I also prepare infused lavender sugar that is perfect for sprinkling over seasonal fruits such as grapes, blueberries, tart raspberries, and sweet peaches.

For tea enthusiasts, I offer a special blend made with local White Heron American breakfast tea as my base, aromatic lavender, and vibrant calendula petals. This blend is truly delicious when paired with a splash of cream and a big spoonful of Hidden Meadows honey!

Stay tuned for more posts where I share more wonderful ways to enjoy our cherished lavender.


Hidden Meadows Farm & Vineyard

